At St. Gabriel’s we have lots of ways for you to fulfill our Lenten practice of giving.

Compiling Toiletry Care Kits
Sr. Youth Group is working with St. Gabriel Community Outreach to collect mini-hygeine items to put together into toiletry care kits for those who are homeless. We are asking for donations of hotel-type items, sample and travel sizes (Dollar Tree has a good selection), or items purchase in bulk on Amazon. Put donations in the basket on top of the indoor donation bin by the front door or place in the outdoor donation bin.
-Body or baby wipes
-Deodorant (most needed)

-Hand sanitizer
-Toothbrushes (most needed)

Our knitting/crocheting group is creating washcloths to include.

We are collecting until Easter Sunday, March 31st.

Sr. youth are also creating Prayer Stations in the narthex for the congregation to engage with each week to learn more about homelessness and support/solutions.

Collecting Empty Prescription Bottles

Sr. youth are collecting empty prescription bottles to fill with shampoo for our hygiene kits. If you have any, remove or block out the label with a Sharpie and bring them to church and deposit in the basket with the mini hygiene items.

TO REMOVE THE LABEL EASILY: Take a hair dryer and warm the label on the bottle up for a short time. The label should peel right off. If you don’t want to take the time, just block out your name and our youth will do it for you!

Collecting will be ongoing.

Selling Pre-purchased Full-sized Shampoo, Conditioner, and Soap 

SGCO is selling pre-purchased full-size shampoo, conditioner, and soap for people to purchase and donate for $1.25 a piece. Bring cash or use our Venmo account to pay. We sold out on Feb. 18th but will offer again Feb. 25th and perhaps beyond. Donations will go to Beaverton Resource Center for their Essentials Closet.

Youth Collecting Used Fabrics

One of our sr. youth is collecting donations of worn but CLEAN shirts, towels and washcloths and similar types of used fabrics to be turned into hand towels to reduce paper towel usage. These towels will be sold, and all funds will go to SCRAP or Habitat for Humanity, helping to further reduce items going into landfills. Over the next few weeks, there will be a box set out to collect these items labeled with a poster attached.

Thank you for all the generous donations so far!

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